There is one post-doctoral position available to work at the Genomics for Climate Change Research Center (GCCRC), one of the Engineering Research Centers (ERCs) supported by the São Paulo Research Foundation (FAPESP). GCCRC is a joint enterprise between FAPESP and the Brazilian Agricultural Research Corporation (EMBRAPA), with the State University of Campinas (UNICAMP) in São Paulo, Brazil as its host institution.
The position requires experience in molecular biology and plant physiology. The project aims to study genes with poorly characterized function involved in the response to abiotic stresses by using overexpression and knockout strategies in plants.
• Solid experience in DNA and RNA extraction and quantification methods, vector construction, plant transformation and gene expression analysis;
• Experience in plant physiology, including conducting experiments to evaluate physiological parameters;
• Experience with bioinformatics data analysis and statistics;
• Previous experience working with two-hybrid system assay will be a plus;
• Excellent organizational skills with experience in project planning and development, proactivity, independence and teamwork;
• English communication skills.
Candidates should send an updated résumé, a cover letter indicating the reason for joining the GCCRC with a brief account of their experience, and a letter of recommendation through the application form:
This opportunity is open to candidates of any nationality. The selected candidate will receive a FAPESP’s Post-Doctoral fellowship in the amount of R$ 8,479.20 monthly for the period of 14 months, and a research contingency fund, equivalent to 10% of the annual value of the fellowship which should be spent in items directly related to the research activity.